It Looks like ComicEasel/ComicPress are no longer being updated. It is a shame since it was the best. I’m open to suggestions…
It Looks like ComicEasel/ComicPress are no longer being updated. It is a shame since it was the best. I’m open to suggestions…
I am embarrassed to say that I still don’t have a PC up to running Poser. I meant to build one but vision hasn’t recovered as hoped. I’ve been promised help, but hasn’t panned out.
I’ve some decent glasses now, and the most recent eye operation is most successful. I am still getting use to having the one eye (Oden One Eye. get it?), burry spots on the retina, I probiley legally blind. And i’ve never regained my ability to touch-type. y computer blew-up (litelly) right about the time I lost vison. I think I’ve got everything to build it anew. probably. At l can see what I am doing…
I woke up a few day to blood with in my one good eye. Fun. A vesal in my eye is leaking. I go in for laser sugery on Nov 10. Stiĺl more delays…
EDIT! This is Andy’s sister posting, I see I have to remove some spam… I don’t really know how to operate this, so bear with me.
Andy had more eye surgery and is doing physically VERY well, so we began discussing his comic and, well, things may change soon. He has come a LONG way since they told us to get his affairs in order a couple years ago, but he does have medical bills that have piled up, so, I have to concentrate on that. I look forward to hearing from everyone. He cannot use the facebook messenger without help, so he has that shut off.