Silly me. I forgot that ComicPress has an import feature, and here I was avoiding the rather daunting task of getting things straight again.
The basic TMI archive is back up, tho some images and maybe a post or more is missing. Gotta run thru it all, and some of you know how long that takes. I still need to put the Maddie’s Monster and Grampy Says strips back up. Not sure how I’m going to hand the memorials. I’m going to recycle the old vote incentives, maybe one a week. Depends on how happy I am with the originals.
I still need to get everything tagged, transcripted, and chaptered. Fun.
Awesome Andy. Welcome back online
legs REALLY crossed – mind the Z-index…
Hey Andy. & are the same page. The one where Ace bumps into Rocky is missing.
Also, I think there should be one between and
Ah, here’s the one [] where Ace bumps into Rocky. You had it placed after
There will probably be other duplications. Thankx
I’ll keep looking for you. BTW If I remember correctly, in the one between “meet larry” & “family matters” the page reads something like Ace tells Larry about the ‘hot4U’ virus and Larry scoffs saying ‘nobody who thinks I’m hot would do that.’
WHOO HOO!!! Keep up the great work.
Wait, when did Ace kill that Saurian?