I gather “Baka” is “Idiot!” ?
@[ribbit]: The word I’ve usually been given is, “fool!”. I don’t know how precise that may be, though.
“Idiot” is the closest equivalent, though there’s a strong undercurrent of “jerk” implied as well.
Man, Akane’s face looks like a Gelfling here, somehow. (From Dark Crystal)
Which is very appropriate given the Dilmun looked like the birds from that film.
Remember Me
I gather “Baka” is “Idiot!” ?
The word I’ve usually been given is, “fool!”.
I don’t know how precise that may be, though.
“Idiot” is the closest equivalent, though there’s a strong undercurrent of “jerk” implied as well.
Man, Akane’s face looks like a Gelfling here, somehow. (From Dark Crystal)
Which is very appropriate given the Dilmun looked like the birds from that film.