An old house, a geek, a cute transvestite, a very tall lesbian, and at least one ghost–what could happen? – Adult situations and artistic nudity. Not suitable for children.
That, I remember. What I don’t remember is where the outfit originated from. If that was the first time it was ever seen (which… in terms of the in-universe timeline… might be the case. Hmm…) then we don’t really have an answer for why it’s in his closet.
…maybe I should do a re-read from page 1?
Rereading from page 1 is always a good plan. I’ve lost count of the numer of archive crawls I’ve done on this series alone, but in this particular case it won’t answer your question. At this point we have yet to get an explanation for the existence of the outfit, nor why it appears to have stayed in Ace’s closet through multiple moves. For a military family, moves are when you go and cull through your belongings in order to make the weight limitations for the move, so even if the dress had been left with him for some reason, he probably would have sorted it into the donate or return pile coming back to the USA from Korea. So the question is, why is it there for supernatural creatures to borrow?
I think I remember Pixie wearing the “borrowed” outfit?
It wasn’t Pixie, it was a flashback to Cleo, when Ace was a teen.
That, I remember. What I don’t remember is where the outfit originated from. If that was the first time it was ever seen (which… in terms of the in-universe timeline… might be the case. Hmm…) then we don’t really have an answer for why it’s in his closet.
…maybe I should do a re-read from page 1?
Rereading from page 1 is always a good plan. I’ve lost count of the numer of archive crawls I’ve done on this series alone, but in this particular case it won’t answer your question. At this point we have yet to get an explanation for the existence of the outfit, nor why it appears to have stayed in Ace’s closet through multiple moves. For a military family, moves are when you go and cull through your belongings in order to make the weight limitations for the move, so even if the dress had been left with him for some reason, he probably would have sorted it into the donate or return pile coming back to the USA from Korea. So the question is, why is it there for supernatural creatures to borrow?