A Spacial Trick To It
Once you know the trick, it’s not magic anymore.
(Moved this comic back from 12/26 to where it better fits the continuity.)
↓ Transcript
I have to keep up with Ace. So I can’t spare any brain cells.
But- You really believe in precognition?
What I believe doesn’t matter. What I might learn, one thing or another, that’s science!
And you think you might learn something about precognition?
Oh, Strones, no. That’s magic.
My sisters can do magic. And they’re always reminding me that any magic, no matter how simple, is beyond scientific understanding.
But once I understand anything of it...
I have to keep up with Ace. So I can’t spare any brain cells.
But- You really believe in precognition?
What I believe doesn’t matter. What I might learn, one thing or another, that’s science!
And you think you might learn something about precognition?
Oh, Strones, no. That’s magic.
My sisters can do magic. And they’re always reminding me that any magic, no matter how simple, is beyond scientific understanding.
But once I understand anything of it...
Clarke’s Law: A sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Heterodyne’s Hypothesis (from the Fairy Tale Theater Break, page 7, back (OMG! Ten Years ago!) in 2008): “Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!” http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20081205#.XCSUzc2IaUk
It’s actually a quote of, believe it or not, classic Doctor Who, the story is Battlefield and it’s said by Ace (after a comment from the Doctor) so yeah 30 years ago… It’s why it’s actually in quotation marks in the comic 😉
There are three related quotes concerning magic and science, the best being from a Ms Florence Ambrose (look them up)
Yeah… telling people to flip through a 3000+ page webcomic until they find one particular filler page is spectacularly unhelpful. >_<
(For the record, there’s also several more than just those three.)
Was referring to using a search engine of ones choosing
I have that page bookmarked – always a useful one to quote!
“Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!” – Agitha Heterodine…
Forgot about that one 🙁
Told you there was more! 😉
A more accurate version is ‘any insufficiently understood science is indistinguishable from magic.’ I got this from a book where an advanced civilization which had Replicator technology had devolved until a very small group of techs actually understood their technology, the rest were near caveman level of understanding tech (they could USE it, just not understand it, or its limitations).
“Why would I need more than 1 gallon of water to fuel my fusactor. Just use that to power the Replicator to make more water”. “Because it takes more than a gallon of water to replicate a gallon of water. Law of deminishing returns”