Ain’t Too Proud
on 2019-03-19
at 00:01
Tesla dug ditches to get by…
↓ Transcript
What up, Sweety?
I’m going to go fill out some applications. I can’t depend on my heiress-banging skills for all my financial needs.
You could. It’s something you’re very good at. I could pimp you out to my friends. That wouldn’t be cheating, right?
Don’t answer that.
So, what are you looking for?
Until I get my degree, I’m looking at waiting tables, running a register, or maybe phone sales again.
Service industry, huh? Might save you some time if you pop down to the front desk and ask there.
You gonna pull strings to get me a job here?
Me? No.
But if you’re serious about me, Daddy’s going to want you to learn about the hotel industry from the ground up. It’s probably all arranged.
The ground up?
If you aren’t too proud. And once you’ve proven yourself to Daddy, I’ll let you propose.
(knocks) Housekeeping!
What up, Sweety?
I’m going to go fill out some applications. I can’t depend on my heiress-banging skills for all my financial needs.
You could. It’s something you’re very good at. I could pimp you out to my friends. That wouldn’t be cheating, right?
Don’t answer that.
So, what are you looking for?
Until I get my degree, I’m looking at waiting tables, running a register, or maybe phone sales again.
Service industry, huh? Might save you some time if you pop down to the front desk and ask there.
You gonna pull strings to get me a job here?
Me? No.
But if you’re serious about me, Daddy’s going to want you to learn about the hotel industry from the ground up. It’s probably all arranged.
The ground up?
If you aren’t too proud. And once you’ve proven yourself to Daddy, I’ll let you propose.
(knocks) Housekeeping!
I’m a janitor by trade, Housekeeping, and I’ve NEVER been required to wear a pink apron. Something tells me “daddy” is having a go at Bruno.
[al mar]:
The only part that’s unclear to me is whether this is being done for Daddy’s “entertainment”, or to test the strength of Bruno’s resolve …
… or both.
entirely possible it’s for his daughter’s amusement or an attempt to make sure no other girl tries to bed him while he’s working.
How about the white shirt(which cleaning chemicals, and, heck, just cleaning will soil) and the BOW TIE!?! Most Hotels I have worked in or seen have their housekeeping wear tan/khaki or grey uniforms..
I figure that if a hotel has white sheets, someone would know how to clean white shirts.
it’s not so much that they don’t know how to clean them. you don’t walk around with dirty sheets, you toss them into a into a laundry shute/room/wagon immediately. especially when they are visibly dirty. changing your shirt that often would be disruptive. so darker color is more common when it comes to cleaning staff, and short arms so you don’t get as dirty a shirt (you can clean your hands and arms easier than a shirt, also part of why medical practitioners wear short arms. we also know how to clean our gear, we just prefer not to have to. dragging around dirt is bad)
this strikes me more as a Peggy and her dad wants go make fun out of Peggys boytoy than official uniform.
Well, yes. It’s supposed to make him look silly. But maybe it’s had scotch guard applied?
many of he best managers are not the one who when to school, but the ones that started at the bottome and worked their way up. this way they know what the guest what at each lvl and the bs each emp have to go thrue at each lvl.
IIRC, when Robert Bigelow started out in the hotel/motel business, he couldn’t afford (or could only afford limited) cleaning help and did a lot himself till he could hire more staff.
Meh, simply pass off his attire (including the dress shoes) as “First Day Hazing”, if he survives and comes back the next day, then they will put him in the correct uniform (especially comfortable shoes, there is a reason why maids typically wear sneakers)
And this further shows how Bruno is not a bad person: he could have easily just sat back and let Peggy pay for everything, butt he wants to be able to stand on his own feet (hopefully in more comfortable shoes if he plans working in housekeeping for even a short while :P)
“Ground-up” indeed; Bruno seems a right lad, fit for a financial princess.
Of course, the REST of the housekeeping staff gets to wear a plain black apron. Mr. Walker got Bruno this apron personally. ^_^