Only humans are dumb enough to mess with mermaids.
↓ Transcript
At least we aren’t going to fizzing drown.
What art we, now? Half shark?
Shark? Sharks have vertical fins. We have horizontal flukes. These are dolphin butts. We’re syrens, no doubt
Then that means we have to worry about sharks, doesn’t it?.
Ha! As if. Shows what you know. Watch this...
Yeah, you! Get your finny tail over here!
I mean NOW, Mister!
Yes, Ma’am! Right away, Ma’am. How can I help you, Ma’am? Please don’t hurt me, Ma’am.
At least we aren’t going to fizzing drown.
What art we, now? Half shark?
Shark? Sharks have vertical fins. We have horizontal flukes. These are dolphin butts. We’re syrens, no doubt
Then that means we have to worry about sharks, doesn’t it?.
Ha! As if. Shows what you know. Watch this...
Yeah, you! Get your finny tail over here!
I mean NOW, Mister!
Yes, Ma’am! Right away, Ma’am. How can I help you, Ma’am? Please don’t hurt me, Ma’am.
This raises some interesting questions…I look forward to seeing just what these three are capable of, as, apparently, one of them has a clue..
Knowledge is power.
Service with a smile.
Anybody else thinking “Chicken of the Sea” ???
Applicable, though sharks are, according to some dubious sources, sometimes called “dogfish.”
Dogfish is a type or class of small shark. One of several related breeds, also an unrelated fresh water fish.
I really like how each has a unique hair color so we can easily tell them apart – corresponding to their former selves, even. The last set of siren twins we saw were identical right down to their hair color, making it rather difficult to keep them straight.
Well, they were changed by different people right? The twins by a goddess who just wanted them out of the way. And these three by an alt-Ace who cares about them.
Yeah, so glad for that, makes it easier for idiots like me to remember who is whom, and it looks like Michelle is gonna be the leader this time 😀
Good, always liked, and felt sorry for, Michelle 🙂
Cleo got her hair in a ponytail, Spooky/Coleen has her hair loose.
Guess when Michelle was stuck in the research library, she got a lil bored. Or she paid attention to the lectures on Paras / cryptozoology.
Typo in transcript “What art we, now?” instead of “What are we, now?” (calling it a typo since the speech bubble has it the other way).
I think this is my first time commenting here in over a year maybe two years… despite doing pretty well in keeping up. Definitely the first since I got myself an account. Big fan, lurk lots…
I’m not at all surprised at the shark’s reaction. Regular dolphins frequently kill sharks, and sirens are basically magical dolphins with hands. Adds all sorts of extra methods to commit mayhem on shark-kind.
Soooo … when Trey finds them … I am hoping he is at least try to find them …
will he tell them they are out of uniform?
Nope. They are all in complete accordance with rules and regulations for mermaid/syren dress codes. 😛
Trey doesn’t need to find them, he’s the one who sent them here in the first place. See the 2018-04-02 strip, link: https://www.tmi-comic.com/comic/permanent-vacation/
I forgot that post … thank you for pointing out and reminding me … COOL!
Wonder if that don’t hurt me ma’am was directed at Hellena because of the stink eye in the second panel. ?
Oops meant third panel.
Nope he is reacting the same way as a feral dog or cat might when it would like to come in from the cold and have a home, but is not completely sure what they are letting themselves in for. Also, dominance issues between predators can be rather violent. He is letting Michelle know he has no intention of challenging her role as dominant over him.
Okay, Michelle is a total oceanic bad-ass. Apparently she wasn’t ever incarnated as a bait fish (three times!) and has no fear of aquatic predators.
We still have no idea where in what ocean our trio are. I wonder what sort of grasp of “geography” (oceanography?) a shark commands?
Pretty good actually. Sharks can detect changes in the geomagnetic field and use them to navigate.
I’ve read that, but if Michelle says, “Where are we?” what would be the reply? “You’re where the Sharkspeak feels stronger on the dorsal side with a more than a hint of Sharkspeak to the ventral.” Any shark would nod, knowingly. And I expect the equivalent of squirrel-speak, sprinkled with barking fools (seals), snorting butheads (whales or dolphins) and so on. Somehow I doubt the shark would answer, “You’re south of New South Wales. I ate a couple of Ozzies last week not too far from here.”
There’s a recent article in, IIRC, Nature where they put GPS trackers on some Great White sharks, and found that they have a well-defined “highway” out in the Central Pacific. They’re not wandering around at random.
But you can’t just stay on the highway all the time. Occasionally you have to take the Amity Island exit and pick up some fast food before continuing on down the road.
Oh, you DON’T stay there all-the-time.
That “highway” most-likely represents a path that enables them to cover the widest possible territory in the most efficient possible manner —- I.E., their sensitive receptors are able to sense everything within that area, & “sweep” across it at their best speed, like a submarine’s radar-screen. This allows them to find potential food as fast as possible, before it’s eaten by any other predator/scavenger. When food is found, they “leave the path” to feast, then return to “sweep mode” when they’re done.
So wait, does this mean that Michelle is now going to have a phobia of… catfish?
Don’t think so, seeing as Syrens are the top apex predatos of the sea, going by how that great white acting.
That was a joke.
No, catfish are going to have a phobia of Michelle 😛
Please, Hammerhead don’t hurt them.
Not sure what you are trying to say, butt that’s not a hammerhead
It’s an MC Hammer reference. So, early 1980s. So, quite understandable that you don’t get it if you’re on the younger end of the readership.
Never was into that ‘hippity-hop’ stuff, thought he was only ‘famous’ for two songs
hammer time, u cant touch this, and a third that i am aware of… turtle power.
I always figured Gangnam Style was the succesor to Can’t Touch This.
The 3rd song was “Pray.”
And the first two were “U Can’t Touch This” and “2 Legit 2 Quit,” though chronologically 2 Legit should trade spots with “Pray.”
Unless he was a “Partner in Kryme”, then no, Hammer didn’t do that song
“… They do as they wanna… The Addams Family…”
why he was hired to do a theme song for an Addams Family movie is beyond me
Are we sure he was “hired” ??? Maybe he just snuck on to the set one day.
My favourite line on this page: “These are dolphin butts.”
I like dolphin butts and I cannot lie…
So…any chance of seeing them? You know…without the water interfering? 😉
We did see Michelle leaping out of the water
Yes, that is true. With a very strategically placed hand. 😉
Butt, we were talking about her dolphin butt 😛 , which was still clearly on display 😉
True…but what we are talking about and what we are thinking about may not always be the same. 😉