I take it he’s on to the trick…
↓ Transcript
Count Morté:
I say, again, hold. By the terms of the Shadow Proclamation, you must obey me.
Why are you stil…
I say, again, hold. By the terms of the Shadow Proclamation, you must obey me.
Why are you stil…
For my next trick, I’ll make your face… DISAPPEAR! Time for the magic words. One… Two… Three… MAGIC ME! impales face
So idiocy is the number one cause of vampire deaths here.
Basically, when you are immortal you tend to forget that you can still be killed. Granted it is really difficult, and we just had two perfect examples of that level of hubris.
I dare say, popping a vampire’s brain out is probably just as efficient as tearing out their heart. Maybe moreso.
BUT … He was SOOooo sure of himself and his words.
Seems the Creature had other thoughts. GO HEX!!!
Well, you know, It’s way easier to be sure than right. If being right was easy, everybody’d be doing it.
Why does the wolf’s right leg look like it has a massive black gash in it?
Maybe it’s the fur or lighting? Though I get ya, because I have no clue what happened to the wolf’s stomach, it seems to be missing a couple of organs, imo.
Perhaps it’s a rendering “artifact”?
I’m still trying to process this figure’s incredibly-tiny hips-&-abs, compared to their super-massive chest-&-upper-thighs.
It’s likely skin wrapping around bone. I’ve seen it happen with other canines when they flex leg muscles.
He didn’t need that brain anyway, it’s not like he was using it.
Hex isn’t a Dr Who fan, or he is and was offended.
Why does the Werewolf Guy look like he has a crowbar jammed up his *** in every other shot? Once I’ve seen it I can’t unsee it. Seriously, this is bothering me a lot.
looks like a tail ^^
Ok….. So hear me out…. Mistakes were made….
“Proclaim this!”
The Count was neither an Ogron nor a Judoon, so therefore didn’t have the authority to enforce Shadow Proclamation rules.
No, he was not a Ogron nor a Judoon, just a run of the mill buffoon.
Please, you’re insulting run of the mill buffoons with that comparison.
Is that a wire coming out of the werewolf’s butt?
No, that’s Hex’ tail (stop staring at their butt)
Well, it was a good thing that his heart was better protected, now wasn’t it?
hmmmm, wonder what will happen to the female thrall now? now that the count is dead, will she be freed? or recover? or will she die because her life force was connected to his?
as for the “shadow prooclamation” it might just be a parallel name to a similar type of agreement, or is earth name for one. so far there are grey’s vampires, ghosts, angels and demons, mermaids and goddess spirits. heaven and hell, the various lizard type aliens, peach and x’s people, and the nanite enhanced beings, along with at least two temporal clones of ace.
or it might just be an agreement of hidden creatures that hide in the shadows of human society
Or the vampires (nanite enhanced beings) are so stuck behind the ideas of Bram Stoker and the vampire RPG ‘Vampire, The Masquerade’ that they believe their own press.
Came here to ask the same question, is the thrall free or does she die now? The lore isn’t clear on that, some say free, some say dead, some say long period of unconsciousness and different personality when she wakes up.
Does the phrase, “you ain’t the boss of me,” ring a bell?
“Thanks for the tip of not bothering with your heart”, though when you’re going through people like that, does it really matter…?
(PS: Did an archive binge, and noticed several pages still missing. Not sure where I should put what I (hadn’t) found though. Is here good?)
At the very least, I’d be curious to see them.
I’m not totally sure whether-or-not I’ve found them all, via the “Wayback”-website.
Oh, I just mean stuff I know was missing since I remembered it being there before and it wasn’t there now. Trying to look on wayback machine right now, and wow this feels tedious. Found some links someone else had already found, and a couple more I found too….
Lots of old Bonus pages, including everything about Luna before “Crowd” (2008-06-06), that I saw someone even already had links for in a comment in an old page.
Larry and Ace finding “Luna’s” MySpace page is in there (MyStalker and NSFW), and the rest of Luna’s intro is also in there as well.
Don’t remember where any of these three are right now, but I’m 99% sure they exist:
I recall a “you can’t date until you’re 30 T-years” or something like that elsewhere, probably from either Peach or X to Sky. (Believe it was supposed to be some kind of joke to match Larry telling Luna pretty much the same line.)
Someone tried to mug Grampy with a knife, ends up literally in a trash can, with Grampy mentioning his varied belts, degrees, and other training.
Mercy mentioned Kira is her….descendant of some sort.
This page of Spooky trying to “help” Cleo…. https://web.archive.org/web/20110717201745/https://www.tmi-comic.com/2007/03/17/temptation/
…just tried glancing through this thing and found another one: https://web.archive.org/web/20110717201422/https://www.tmi-comic.com/2007/06/13/everybody-loves-mr-wizard/
Actually, “Content Warning” page on the main TMI site had an image at one point. Hit “First Comic” and there’s only text right now. I knew that looked odd for some reason…
…I’ll probably just end up re-reading the comic from the beginning again, just through one of these archived versions of the site. (Will have to see how many of the images will load overall…) Probably have to have regular site open as well to compare when pages are missing. I’ll probably get bored enough to do that within the next couple of weeks…. just a question of if I start making my own copy of the archive…
Less important note and more just odd, the site’s archive page itself orders the main comic from 05-06, then 17-20, and back to 06-17, where the last page is “think the archive is back in order”. (Actually, some of that other stuff looks maybe a bit out of order, but as long as reading through them is still in order I guess it doesn’t matter.)
…wow that post got long in a hurry.
Hmm, I tried making a reply, but I guess I put too many Wayback links in there? (that or just made it way too long.) Anyway, someone else on “Crowd” (2007-06-06) has links to a bunch of Bonus pages, including pretty much everything of Luna prior to the “Crowd” itself. While looking through Wayback I found one of Spooky telling Cleo to suggest her great-granddaughter instead of Pixie (Temptation, March 17, 2007, also a Bonus comic but not in the same linked Bonus section) and one about Mr Wizard (June 13, also 2007). Can navigate through the links they gave to get to those two pages, too. Oh yeah, Content Warning used to have an image, which can be found through that too. (There’s also one called “Sword of the Water Goddess” that was around the time they were chatting with Mama Wati, but that one’s on DeviantArt too.)
Remember a few that I hadn’t found though: someone failing to mug Grampy (hilariously badly), Mercy mentioning Kira is a descendant of hers, and pretty sure there was a joke towards Sky about “you can’t date until you’re 29 T-years” to mimic Larry telling Luna pretty much the same thing. I’ll probably end up getting super bored and reading the comic through one of the Wayback archives and regular site side-by-side within a few weeks to try comparing for sure what’s missing….
I’ll try to keep an eye out — both on the “Wayback” (for me) & on this page (for further feedback from you)
Okay, finally went through it all…I ran it a couple of times actually. Once, trying to use an Archives page from Aug 2017, and again just hitting Next Comic, using a WayBack version starting from 2011 and only moving forward as absolutely required to continue on. Interestingly, neither method is “better” than the other….as both had something the other did not. (Both had almost everything though.)
Majority (~2/3?) of what we’re missing from current archives appears to be vote incentive pages and real life stuff (including In Memorium, holidays, etc), but the full list is kinda long (~150 things), so I hope pastebin works for you.
That list is based on my second attempt through the archives, with a few more things I found on the first run that I for some reason didn’t find the second time. I think it’s everything, though?
If I said “No image”, then I couldn’t find a full-sized one on WayBack. If I could find one, then I didn’t. (Probably.) I didn’t keep links because I was working in Notepad assuming I’d be posting the list…but then it got absurdly long. Much too long to be reasonable to post in a comment. Some things did have thumbnails in the “Recent Comics” on the sidebar, or some of the image-based Archives listings (so you can tell what it was, even if you can’t get the full thing anymore.)
Your efforts are appreciated. Thank You, Good Sir!
Just had a crazy thought, & wanted to share it here.
What if, in-between his last spoken words (2-or-3 pages ago) & his first attack, Hex simply put-in some earplugs?
If Hex never heard either vampire’s voice, then he could ignore their attempts at ‘thrall-binding’ him.
It looks like the “late” Count was a serious over-user of hair-product, because hair would normally show far more of a response to having a fist burst through the back of the skull. Based on the lack of hair-displacement, as shown in the last panel, it might as well be a solid helmet that’s PAINTED to look like hair.
LOKI: “I am a god, you dull creature, and I shall not be bullied by… ”
HULK: smashes
As good as I found that movie, this scene and the one where Cap is giving out battle plans to everyone are my favorite parts.
Or perhaps Hex put in earplugs before engaging either vamp.
That was supposed to be a reply…
Hexx: “Shadow what now? Sorry dude. I don’t bother to read the T.O.S. on software updates either.”
That is one seriously warped abdomen region on this werewolf.