Due Credit
on 2021-02-01
at 17:37
More like overdue.
↓ Transcript
You’ve seen to our things?
Yes. And I’ve placed them aboard the shuttle as Assemblymember’s Private cargo.
We should sneak aboard as soon as you are ready.
Sneak? Is that really necessary?
It occurs to me that that would prevent any awkward questions.
Um... Correct! Just testing you. You passed.
You’ve seen to our things?
Yes. And I’ve placed them aboard the shuttle as Assemblymember’s Private cargo.
We should sneak aboard as soon as you are ready.
Sneak? Is that really necessary?
It occurs to me that that would prevent any awkward questions.
Um... Correct! Just testing you. You passed.
Whoa! First TMI of the month.
Ain’t it great?
And Ms. Stick-Up-Her-Ass has sky-high platform shoes and still has to look up to look her servant in the eyes.
Her servant that isn’t even standing straight (her knees are bent)
She’s trying to be subtle about it, but I also notice that K’Aya needs to stand on tip-toe, even when wearing those platforms, & it’s STILL not enough to over-shadow na-B’Lili’s height.
I’d say that she’s compensating for some SERIOUS self-esteem issues.
Frankly, I feel as though the simplest solution here would be to allow the shuttle’s departure (via remote-control, unbeknownst to K’Aya) with only K’Aya aboard, along with all her belongings…
…including that nanite-based “bomb”.
Then, once she’s held safely out of range, she can be issued an ultimatum:
Confess her crimes, or experience those nanites first-hand.
Given her shallow unwillingness to appear less-clever than na-B’Lili (as demonstrated in today’s page), it feels entirely in-character for her to abandon na-B’Lili to the same fate as the rest of the ship-&-crew. No-doubt she’d justify it as “tying-up loose ends”. She might even feel a “twinge” of loss when she thinks about losing her “sex-slave”, but in K’Aya’s mind this person is little more than a servant, no matter that she’s high-born.
She’s her family’s traditionally-designated scapegoat, “dedicated to the demon Belili” — & since almost all of her family has died, who would be left to miss her, really?
You’re over looking some things:
1 Ace needs to leave the ship
2 He can’t steal a shuttle.
However if somebody ELSE stole the shuttle… say to escape a bomb they left behind… and he were on the shuttle when it was stolen, then he would be REQUIRED to capture the terrorist, and return the shuttle… if he were to use to briefly before having it returned, who would blame him. A neat solution to a sticky problem, I would say.
The Orion Princess can take charge of the Lander mentioned before (not a shuttle). The Lander is armed. The Princess can then relinquish control and command of the Lander to Ace, (as a gift or debt payment?) At that point, as the armed space craft is no longer under the control of a foreign power, it could then enter Earth and U.S. air space and land.
Oops.. not a lander, an assault shuttle with stealth package…
“Confess her crimes, or experience those nanites first-hand.”
Confessions made under duress are not typically given any credence.
We the readers know that she is guilty of all kinds of crimes and intended crimes, but that doesn’t translate into general knowledge by the crew or passengers of the ship.
You make valid points.
I’m not (yet) convinced that Ace even knows that K’Aya might be up to something, although I’m sure that he picked-up on how unpopular she is, considering just how eager [Steward Ashe] was to kick K’Aya out of her quarters:
2018-06-11 =[https://www.tmi-comic.com/comic/basic-space]
Meanwhile, I’ve been going-over the earlier conversation with Peach, trying to puzzle-out just what Ace (& Stormy) picked-up on. I’m guessing that the clues start here:
2017-08-05 =[https://www.tmi-comic.com/comic/you-can’t-get-there-from-space]
( … so far, I’ve had no luck – I’m still in the dark … )
Your last link there has a superfluous apostrophe, can’t should be cant in the link (for those trying to do a copy/paste
DMC_Run, this should give you the main pieces to put it together….
The links are helpful — thanks!
However, I think that Ace’s last line in “Munity” has got me thinking that THIS_PAGE is also important:
…just re-read Qar’n’s 2nd word-balloon.
— Qar’n has health-needs that require getting her off-ship “ASAP”. That’s their “Plausible Story”, for when they get held accountable afterwards.
— Her authority makes it possible to prevent anyone notifying “Peachy” until after it’s too late for the Capt… er, uhm, ah, Admiral to do anything about it.
I think na-B’Lili will abandon her mistress to be with cousin Gabe. Also notice how the room behind K’Aya is empty? Ace and company area already on the way to the lander. With them off the ship, it not only ruin’s the K’Aya’s plan, it also gives Ace and company a chance to counter it.
Is this gonna be one of those things where the saboteurs do their dirty work, then find their escape cut off because the people they were trying to sabotage stole the same shuttle they were going to use for their getaway?
Munches popcorn :
As I recall, their original plan was to use a life-pod for their escape.
If the shuttle-option is taken from them, I imagine that they’ll just resort to their previous escape-plan.
( … I’ll leave the all popcorn to you, & get myself some spiced curly-fries … )
😉 … 🙂 … 😛 … 😀
@[Opus the Poet]:
I apologize for the apostrophe-“typo” in my last link.
[Typo_Alert]: should be “All the”, not “the all”, sorry.
Oh… Isn’t ‘all popcorn’ like ‘everything bagels’ ???
Leaving a comment as a “bookmark” for when I come back.