An old house, a geek, a cute transvestite, a very tall lesbian, and at least one ghost–what could happen? – Adult situations and artistic nudity. Not suitable for children.
Yups, get a ‘preview’ of a future event, nothing about what led up to or followed (sometimes, it even includes the awareness of it having been ‘experienced’ before. you know, that ‘wow! deja vu all over again’ moment? that gets included in the dreams, although don’t remember it until it happens ‘for real’)
Old Greek myth. She foresaw the fall of her city- state, tried to warn everyone, was kicked out for fearmongering. Then when the city fell like she warned, they blamed her, executed her, and ‘left her body for the crows’.
To be a ‘Casandra’ is to know what’s about to happen, but not be believed.
As I recall, the Ancient Greek Gods had some reason for punishing her, so they started by giving her flawless foresight, concerning any-&-all disasters. The CURSE, however was that no-one would ever believe her forecasts, until it was too late. She suffered the frustration of knowing what would happen, without ever being able to prevent, or even mitigate it.
Similar situation here, vivid precognative dreams, but nothing about how I got in that situation.
Yups, get a ‘preview’ of a future event, nothing about what led up to or followed (sometimes, it even includes the awareness of it having been ‘experienced’ before. you know, that ‘wow! deja vu all over again’ moment? that gets included in the dreams, although don’t remember it until it happens ‘for real’)
Who’s “Casandra”?
Old Greek myth. She foresaw the fall of her city- state, tried to warn everyone, was kicked out for fearmongering. Then when the city fell like she warned, they blamed her, executed her, and ‘left her body for the crows’.
To be a ‘Casandra’ is to know what’s about to happen, but not be believed.
As I recall, the Ancient Greek Gods had some reason for punishing her, so they started by giving her flawless foresight, concerning any-&-all disasters. The CURSE, however was that no-one would ever believe her forecasts, until it was too late. She suffered the frustration of knowing what would happen, without ever being able to prevent, or even mitigate it.