Kidding Space
Good thing for Luna she’s not going anywhere soon.
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I guess you’re the one to ask about fertility issues.
I’m assuming you usually have light periods and frequently skip?
Yeah, but my last was on the heavy side. Kind of a scare, even.
If you also felt particularly randy, then that was probably a fertile phase.
As hybrids, it’s very likely we’ll only ovulate on a 2 to 4 year basis. Also, don’t be too surprised by twins and triplets. And be prepared for C-sections, if you don’t have access to a gestation tank.
So, it’s good thing my boyfriend was grounded all summer or I could well be knocked up right now?
Good? Don’t expect an Orion to agree with you. Children are our treasure.
Oh? And you have kids already, I suppose?
And I just volunteered for watching home movies, haven’t I?
Twin girls, and 20 other nieces.
Ooh! Baby pictures?!
I guess you’re the one to ask about fertility issues.
I’m assuming you usually have light periods and frequently skip?
Yeah, but my last was on the heavy side. Kind of a scare, even.
If you also felt particularly randy, then that was probably a fertile phase.
As hybrids, it’s very likely we’ll only ovulate on a 2 to 4 year basis. Also, don’t be too surprised by twins and triplets. And be prepared for C-sections, if you don’t have access to a gestation tank.
So, it’s good thing my boyfriend was grounded all summer or I could well be knocked up right now?
Good? Don’t expect an Orion to agree with you. Children are our treasure.
Oh? And you have kids already, I suppose?
And I just volunteered for watching home movies, haven’t I?
Twin girls, and 20 other nieces.
Ooh! Baby pictures?!
Pretty sure the meeting earlier established that Sky has a lot more than just 20 nieces 😛
She proberbly refere to her full siblings, remember Ace is only a halfbrother.
Obviously, 20 other nieces. I could clarify that, I suppose.
My treasure currently has a dragon named Smaug sitting on top of it.
That joke works even better on the rare occasion when these TMI pages load your avatar picture (or any of ours). ^_^;
Gestation tanks leave the mother a lot of time for getting an education, it seems. That and the Orion habit of fostering kids out.
It is also likely that any educational system run by Orions will be happy to have the little ones in class along with their moms
[Opus the Poet]:
I’d imagine that they also free-up a woman’s uterus to conceive more often than just once in each 280-day pregnancy interval.
But where would they get the egg? Hybrids ovulate twice as often as Orions, but that’s still only roughly every 4 years. Even if they naturally ovulate in spurts of 3 or 4 they either implant or not unless harvested surgically.
Each Human female is born with about 20,000 eggs, in each of her 2 ovaries. At regular intervals (following the onset of puberty), hormonal changes cause 1-or-2 (rarely more) to develop into viable eggs, at which time they’re released into the fallopian tubes. This process is halted by a developing fetus, which releases hormones that block the cycle. Once the fetus is moved into a gestation tank, the lack of fetal hormones will allow the cycle to resume.
This is all-well-&-good for Humans, but for Orions/Hybrids, we may want to go in & manually harvest the eggs, rather than wait. Developing viable eggs means introducing the proper hormones ourselves, in-vitro, before we attempt fertilization.
… I wonder, if a Human woman donated just 1 of her ovaries, would the remaining ovary provide enough hormone to keep her system balanced-&-healthy? From the perspective of sheer productivity, it’s unlikely for most of the 20,000 donated eggs to be fertilized, but how many COULD be?
Put Lois Bujold in charge. If she could organize a couple thousand kids per ovary, I’d be amazed. I’m not saying she’s technically capable, just that Orions need ideas people, and she fits that mold to a T.
It is extremely unlikely for all 20,000 ova a human woman is born with fertilizing. The problem being that the hormones usually only prepare 1 ova per month and there is a finite point after which a woman ceases to produce the needed hormones to create a viable ova. Harvesting eggs from a woman is far more complicated and even dangerous that harvesting a male’s contribution. The answer to whether a single ovary could produce enough hormone for health, the answer is yes, just as a man can still have enough tesosterone with a single testicle. (Sorry for all the details, but having hormone issues myself gave me an interest in the subject, especially in combination with my interest in the medical field.)
Oooh, please let there be baby pictures!
…and considering the show she and Gabe put on, there may be a few more started.
I do recall a brand of pee sticks that could test for pregnancy within 48 hours of conception. Orions are bound to have those, or better.
Good Great Bird Of The Galaxy… I finally caught up. And wonderful to see the site restored and regular posts. Banzai!
so all Orions basically have PCOS then… at least the hybrids?
… What? o_O
Took me a second too. PolyCycstic Ovary Syndrome. Symptoms are similar to human/Orion hybrids normal state, only it can be super painful for non-Orions and can also result in sterility for humans.
Still not sure what that is, and probably happy not knowing
Short version: PCOS is when a woman has higher levels of male hormones, ovarian cysts, and no ovulation. These can cause a number of issues, though I won’t bore you with the details. I personally have 2 sisters who suffer from it. The third may, as well, but I don’t know for sure.
Thank you
I have, and there are a variety of symptoms that can arise from it. Most commonly it includes major imbalances of hormones. In my case one of the hormones was insulin, had I not received treatment back in my late 30’s I would very likely have diabetes by now. The condition is not very well studied and very likely more women have had it than has been recognized. Infertility or low fertility is often a major indicator, but that is usually only treated if and when children are wanted and little examination is done beyond getting the healthy pregnancy and child. Interestingly enough, it was due to infertility issues that the medication I take was found to be effective. Women who had been diagnosed barren suddenly ended up pregnant after starting on Metformin when they developed diabetes. This lead to research being done and now Metformin is an approved drug for treatment of PCOS. (And yes. I’m leaving a large number of details out to both keep this shorter and to avoid topics some of you would rather not know. )
This is actually a good page to showcase some of the other, more subtle differences between Orions and Terrans (or half-Terrans). Namely that unmixed Orions have a more angular, almost heart-shaped face, with broad cheekbones and a pointier chin.
…Has na-Nilina always had two different skin tones?