on 2019-03-16
at 03:28
Obviously Bruno and Peg’s dad understand each other…
↓ Transcript
Peg? What are we doing?
Hmm?! I’ve never caused amnesia before!
Heh! Oh, I remember all that. Well, most of it anyway.
But, you’re really rich and I’ve got- You have me living in a hotel room.
Economy suite. Clean, comfortable, and well maintained, yet very affordable. We’re very proud of that.
The free breakfast buffet with all you can eat pancakes seems to be a popular feature, too.
We added takeout trays for customers on the run, like you suggested. That’s gone over well with business customers. For that reason alone, Daddy says you’re not completely useless.
I thought he didn’t like me.
He doesn't. But as long as you keep me happy, I get to have you as my “kept man.” Or until you finish or quit school. He won’t tolerate a lay-about. He’d rather you took a less modest suite, even. He doesn’t like me spending nights in economy suites. But it does have the advantage of making the damn paparats think it can’t be me after all.
That could be a problem. I’m on a scholarship for low income families, and student loans for what that doesn’t cover. If you weren’t putting me up in here, I’d really be in a bind. Especially since I’m between jobs again.
Actually, I suppose I could tell you now. Daddy bought out your student loans. But he says you can still borrow from him as much as you need.
Oh great. So, if I don’t belong to you, my ass belongs to him?
Wow! Almost verbatim!
Peg? What are we doing?
Hmm?! I’ve never caused amnesia before!
Heh! Oh, I remember all that. Well, most of it anyway.
But, you’re really rich and I’ve got- You have me living in a hotel room.
Economy suite. Clean, comfortable, and well maintained, yet very affordable. We’re very proud of that.
The free breakfast buffet with all you can eat pancakes seems to be a popular feature, too.
We added takeout trays for customers on the run, like you suggested. That’s gone over well with business customers. For that reason alone, Daddy says you’re not completely useless.
I thought he didn’t like me.
He doesn't. But as long as you keep me happy, I get to have you as my “kept man.” Or until you finish or quit school. He won’t tolerate a lay-about. He’d rather you took a less modest suite, even. He doesn’t like me spending nights in economy suites. But it does have the advantage of making the damn paparats think it can’t be me after all.
That could be a problem. I’m on a scholarship for low income families, and student loans for what that doesn’t cover. If you weren’t putting me up in here, I’d really be in a bind. Especially since I’m between jobs again.
Actually, I suppose I could tell you now. Daddy bought out your student loans. But he says you can still borrow from him as much as you need.
Oh great. So, if I don’t belong to you, my ass belongs to him?
Wow! Almost verbatim!
Bruno was the creep from that hit on women way too hard, right? That angle makes him look completely different than I remember.
More jerk than creep. I’ll leave to someone else to find references but:
Bruno was one of Ace’s friends early on
Bruno quit, claiming he had job lined up, rather than let Ace be obligated to fire him.
Bruno is carrying a nasty family secret about his grandfather’s WW2 history. Granted, he could still be a creep and be haunted by that, but he’s clearly thinking of protecting his family by keeping quiet about it.
Seems implicit in TMI that no one, not even Steve or Charity, is irredeemable
So it WAS him I was remembering…barely.
I called him a creep because he was incredibly handsy and didn’t seem to understand what ‘no’ meant. I also remember that he was such a creep he actually wore a protective cup every day.
Which in some ways proves he understands that his behavior is wrong, he just doesn’t seem to know how to change without losing who he is.
I hope this is a turning point for Bruno. Yeah he was a bit of a creep but everyone should be given a second chance. Come to think of it, Bruno & Ace grew up together, they’re the same age, and when we last saw Bruno Ace was 18,19, 20? Most people aren’t as well rounded as Ace was at that age, maybe Bruno just needed more time to mature.
The last time we saw him he had shown a bit of hidden self knowledge to pull the “I have a job lined up so I have to quit” ploy so Ace did not have to fire him. That shows a considerable bit of growth at even that point. Him becoming more of a gentleman is just a step or so k9re than that.
He was also the only one who didn’t believe or care about the vicious rumors that Charity spread about Ace. That speaks well of him even back in High School.
When did this happen?
This? It’s happening now
I believe s/he means Bruno and Peg even meeting, never mind getting into a serious relationship that has apparently been going on for at least a little while.
Are we missing more pages or is theirs a story that just mostly happened off-screen?
Bruno isn’t all bad. Yes he’s a creep, but he knows he’s a creep and never seems to take offense at being called out for it. Him wearing the cup is good evidence of this since it shows he is aware that his behavior is apt to get him a knee to the balls (which hurts even with a cup to protect things.) He was one of the only ones who stood by Ace in the face of the lies told by his Aunt Charity, and I suspect had Steve taken Ace (or any of the household) on in Bruno’s presence, he would have stepped in to defend them, without regard for size or possible injury. From the sounds of things, he is displaying some good business sense (the suggestion about takeout trays is a smart idea) and will likely be an asset to the hotel industry once Peggy’s father gets around to offering the job he’ll get.
You may not have noticed, but the filename for this page is dated: [2109-03-16]
… which is 90yrs. in the future!
Clearly, watching Star Trek causes temporal anomalies.
Section 31 would like a word with you Andy.
hinoron:- believe it’s just a story that didn’t get told on-screen