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I know it’s the middle of the night for you, but you wanna grab a quick bite?

I may not got back to sleep for a week, so I don’t see why not. But, I don’t suppose you have coffee?

Starships run on coffee. Don’t bother asking the cafeteria for cream or lattes, though.

No cream?

No milk.

Most Orions, except hybrids, like us, are outright allergic to milk. So you won’t find anything using dairy products in the cafeterias. I have my own stash of whole milk powder, butter, and dairy creamer, but I have to prepare anything with it separately. Stormy has her own allotment, but it’s non-fat. Orions do some amazing things with tofu and jellies, tho.

And nut milks. There should still be some almond creamer left. It’s pretty spendy, but great with a little vanilla.

Anything else I should know?

Most of our baked goods are green and may seem a little gritty to you. We blend in kelp flour for the nutrients and bone meal for the calcium.