An old house, a geek, a cute transvestite, a very tall lesbian, and at least one ghost–what could happen? – Adult situations and artistic nudity. Not suitable for children.
What have you [b]not been around[/b] to tell your son, Aoi?
He probably knows more about the inner workings of a yakuza clan from movies than he does from technically being born into one (and then immediately hidden away from).
I’ve experienced a slightly less dramatic version of this too. My paternal grandfather died of illness before I was born, and they gave me his name for my middle name. From bits and pieces of things I’d been told about him when I was a young child, I’d pieced together this image of him and his history, and whenever my grandfather came up in conversation, I had this short biography of him to share…
…and as I didn’t discover until well into my 30s, while having a grown-up conversation with my father and uncles… just about EVERY detail I thought I knew was wrong, except for his last name and general ethnicity being German. I really don’t know how I got so many things confused, other than people told me things and the picture in my young head didn’t match the one in theirs at all, and other blank spots I mentally filled in based on what [b]I[/b] considered logical assumptions… except neither end of that metaphorical bridge actually touched solid ground.
In fact, I’d gotten turned around enough I actually thought myself a 3rd generation Canadian, when in fact I’m a 4th, so to a small degree, it’s even my own self-identity I’d muddled.
(I was going to list everything I’d believed and all the corrections, but those would make for another paragraph each, and not really be relevant. Bruno has a dark story about his grandfather’s death in these pages somewhere. Suffice to say my grandfather’s story is nothing at all like his.)
Where was I going with all this at 1AM? Ah, basically I find it quite believable for Carly to have some details about how his family really runs things, and what traditions they actually follow, a bit confused, especially considering he’s been kept isolated from them his whole life.
What have you [b]not been around[/b] to tell your son, Aoi?
He probably knows more about the inner workings of a yakuza clan from movies than he does from technically being born into one (and then immediately hidden away from).
I’ve experienced a slightly less dramatic version of this too. My paternal grandfather died of illness before I was born, and they gave me his name for my middle name. From bits and pieces of things I’d been told about him when I was a young child, I’d pieced together this image of him and his history, and whenever my grandfather came up in conversation, I had this short biography of him to share…
…and as I didn’t discover until well into my 30s, while having a grown-up conversation with my father and uncles… just about EVERY detail I thought I knew was wrong, except for his last name and general ethnicity being German. I really don’t know how I got so many things confused, other than people told me things and the picture in my young head didn’t match the one in theirs at all, and other blank spots I mentally filled in based on what [b]I[/b] considered logical assumptions… except neither end of that metaphorical bridge actually touched solid ground.
In fact, I’d gotten turned around enough I actually thought myself a 3rd generation Canadian, when in fact I’m a 4th, so to a small degree, it’s even my own self-identity I’d muddled.
(I was going to list everything I’d believed and all the corrections, but those would make for another paragraph each, and not really be relevant. Bruno has a dark story about his grandfather’s death in these pages somewhere. Suffice to say my grandfather’s story is nothing at all like his.)
Where was I going with all this at 1AM? Ah, basically I find it quite believable for Carly to have some details about how his family really runs things, and what traditions they actually follow, a bit confused, especially considering he’s been kept isolated from them his whole life.
(Hmm… BBC code not the right formatting code for these comments. I remembered something else falsely, I guess. :P)
HTML code perhaps?
Yup! That’s the one!