An old house, a geek, a cute transvestite, a very tall lesbian, and at least one ghost–what could happen? – Adult situations and artistic nudity. Not suitable for children.
I think it’s Ace who forks, Deuce, who is with Mami Wata now, is the first fork, then Trey (Agent Usher) happened somewhere, but I think we haven’t seen Quattro or Quinto yet, but we got Hex now. Wonder if there’ll be Octavo or Octavian…
Yeah, Ace forked the first time, but not the second time. I was blaming Trey on Deuce. (But I don’t know how he could have gotten away from Mami Wata, so she had to be in on it as well.)
Didn’t Mami Wata say that when the time came, after spending decades with her, that she could release him into whenever he wanted to go? No paradox created if he hasn’t interacted with the world during that time, so she could get away with releasing him into the same timestream he left.
Trey said something about “Ace” messing with time travel (well, trying and failing to make a time viewer) and creating Trey a hundred years in the future, which would be when Mami Wata’s seclusion ends and Deuce gets free.
Well this certainly explains (at long, long last) Ixil’s initial reaction to meeting Ace!
It also explains how “Hex” might surprise the Greys, & forcefully escape from their captivity.
Re_”Octavo or Octavian”:
===But the “Oct-” prefix refers to “8” — aren’t you skipping over “7”?
Both “Sept-” & “Hept-” are prefixes that are in common usage (Ex: “September”, “Heptagon”, etc.), & as a name, “Septimus” even has a bit of a “Holy_Roman_Empire” feel to it.
OK, the existence of “Hex” implies a “Quentin” (“Quint”), & if they’re numbering themselves properly, that means that each of them knows the “number” of their predecessor(s), even if they sprang from a still-earlier copy.
( … for-instance, according to “Trey”, both he & “Deuce” were created by Ace, nearly 2 centuries apart … )
Since “Trey” starts-out in the distant past, he has plenty of centuries in which to have adventures, & thus lots of chances to “spawn” a copy-or-2 of his own. This would justify the appearance of “Quaid” (“Quad”) at an early-enough point in history to be The_Guide.
I’m puzzled to note that the Orion’s history refers to having some linguistic roots in Egypt, but the only (currently known) physical traces of the Denisovans were found FAR further East, nearer to the Pacific Ocean…
…Which sounds like the Dilmun’s Hominid “samplings” were collected from multiple, far-flung locations. Perhaps there were no individual populations during that time period which would be large-enough to provide a reliably-stable amount of “breeding-stock”?
The Guide might’ve been Quaid, and it sounds like that’s meant to be 4, but it’s only one letter away from “Quid”, too. (Kinda wonder if he’s supposed to be 4.5. Especially seeing some of the old comments on WayBack, but there’s no telling how serious some of it is supposed to be. Maybe not even he is sure on the numbering anymore. That might also explain why things got skipped straight to 6 instead of 5? Or he just liked the name more….or we just haven’t heard about what 5 got up to.)
Trey clearly knew Mami Wata, so I was assuming he was from Deuce, but I suppose he could’ve just made friends after she and Deuce got back out, but Ace still knew of Deuce for sure to know that Trey would be next. Depends on if Ace would even live long enough for that, I guess.
…wait. Hold up. Regina was reporting to Lady Shi… from 2014-04-10: “…marked by an anti-Vladish Strigoi that leads a growing coalition of ‘good’ vampires and un-enthralled humans”. If “Strigoi” is “werewolf”….Is Hex supposed to be the one in charge of that?? O_O He’s gotta be part of it, at least… (Nothing like having at least three time-travelling versions of yourself keeping an eye on you….)
(PS: Replied on Blue Moon.)
I was going to say no to Strigoi being being werewolves but it turns out that, while they are vampires, they are attributed with the ability to turn into animals. I had assumed that the “anti-vladish strigoi” was Samantha Hooper. This is from way back in the beginning when there was a crossover with the (now deceased) comic Scandal Sheet
[Google Translate] claims that “Strigoi” is English, but “Wiki” says it’s Romanian:
Samantha may yet be able to shapeshift.
We DID see her vanish, after all.
Maybe we just didn’t catch her in a situation that required it … ?
The difference between translate and wiki is one is concerned with USAGE, the other with ORIGINS. The word cyber is a good example, translate would say its English for a device attached to/ controled by a body, a dictionary would say its FROM the Russian word for oarsman.
If you read Scandal Sheet, you’ll learn a lot more about Sammanth Hooper and her origins, bur more important you’ll learn she does not like tequila and she can turn into a bat. Those two pieces are connected. Still, I doubt she would shapechange to fight vamps that slow on the uptake.
Yeah, was going to comment on that if someone else hadn’t before reaching the end of the comments
Not sure if it is a ‘good’ something, or a ‘bad’ something, but it is certain a something
considering what author has been thru, i am just glad the comic is updating.
and if you upset on how long it is taking to go down this hallway, imagine how long it has been for rocky being pregnant, or carl lee’s mom being in hospital over night, and all their kittens must be in their version of old age by now
also, if you think this comic is taking so long, if you ever read a webcomic called mansion of e, author took about 15 years to show a few hours of one day, with updates almost everyday during that time
That’s not the only difference.
Gina’s belt has suddenly realized that it’s NOT actually a bra, & has relocated itself downward, around her hips.
I dunno what branch of the service Gina’s in, but I gotta say her uniform fits better than anyone in any branch has a right to expect. ‘If the boot fits, it’s probably not the one the army issued for ya’ seems to be the norm. There’s even a few eager beavers who get their uniforms tailored after they’re issued. Kind of like, ‘I know the army issued it, but dammit I’m going to make it fit anyway.’
And whoever Gina’s working for just issues a service leotard. With armor around the shoulders and neck, so…. maybe the outfit’s for some kind of gunnery job, where she’s going to have her head sticking up out of a vehicle that protects the rest of her?
My current theory is, her branch of the military may still be still small-enough to manage outfits that are not (yet) mass-produced.
Another thought is that there may be some as-yet-unmentioned benefit to a form-fitting suit for a lengthy space flight, which would then justify both Terran & Orion suit-designs. The Orions we’ve seen (so far) on the Habitat-stations have usually been wearing clothing that’s much less ‘snug’.
The closer a suit is to skin-tight, the less air is trapped in the limbs when in vacuum. Less air means that when you move your limbs in vacuum, you’re not working as hard to compress that air every time you move to a shape that has less volume left in the suit (expanding muscles, the outside of the suit pushing in on itself, etc.) It should use less material than a suit with constant-volume joints.
Well, now that you mention that, it’s obvious. Close-fitting, non-bulky clothes are a necessity in any circumstance where you might need to quickly get into a spacesuit or maneuver tight spaces in zero-gravity.
Soooo, do we suppose Gina’s in the Space Force? And they’re taking a bit of a cue from the Orions’ traditional service uniforms for starships? But slightly modified for people who’d be a bit freaked out at going all the way down to skintight everything like Peach and X.
Gina is not enlisted in the military but is acting as an independent contractor assigned to a military unit. We learned this when Gina was explaining the job and benefits that Luna and Kim would be doing. I suspect the torus (not Stargate to avoid copyright violations) unit employs more than a few IC personnel like the Orion Princess whose name I’m blanking on at the moment. While ICs assigned to a unit usually wear the same camo uniforms, they do have the option of custome tailoring and a better fit.
And, suddenly… We’re back to the originally scheduled story … ?
Previous comic in this story arc was:
Picking up from ?
Oh god, now I’ve to dive into the archives to catch up.
Last seen here;
How many times has Deuce forked? Hex, that’s #6, right?
I think it’s Ace who forks, Deuce, who is with Mami Wata now, is the first fork, then Trey (Agent Usher) happened somewhere, but I think we haven’t seen Quattro or Quinto yet, but we got Hex now. Wonder if there’ll be Octavo or Octavian…
Yeah, Ace forked the first time, but not the second time. I was blaming Trey on Deuce. (But I don’t know how he could have gotten away from Mami Wata, so she had to be in on it as well.)
Didn’t Mami Wata say that when the time came, after spending decades with her, that she could release him into whenever he wanted to go? No paradox created if he hasn’t interacted with the world during that time, so she could get away with releasing him into the same timestream he left.
Godhead hath its privileges, I suppose.
Trey said something about “Ace” messing with time travel (well, trying and failing to make a time viewer) and creating Trey a hundred years in the future, which would be when Mami Wata’s seclusion ends and Deuce gets free.
I vote for the names Carter (quarter) and Quin (short for Quinary) for the names of 4th and 5th.
We already have Quaid (aka The Guide)
Well this certainly explains (at long, long last) Ixil’s initial reaction to meeting Ace!
It also explains how “Hex” might surprise the Greys, & forcefully escape from their captivity.
Re_”Octavo or Octavian”:
===But the “Oct-” prefix refers to “8” — aren’t you skipping over “7”?
Both “Sept-” & “Hept-” are prefixes that are in common usage (Ex: “September”, “Heptagon”, etc.), & as a name, “Septimus” even has a bit of a “Holy_Roman_Empire” feel to it.
DMC, we already jumped over Quin and Quint… (And I was making more fun about Certain Octavo being written in as Ace-persona… SOmehow Grimoired. :D)
Err, Quad and Quint….
Found it, The Guide was “Quaid”
OK, the existence of “Hex” implies a “Quentin” (“Quint”), & if they’re numbering themselves properly, that means that each of them knows the “number” of their predecessor(s), even if they sprang from a still-earlier copy.
( … for-instance, according to “Trey”, both he & “Deuce” were created by Ace, nearly 2 centuries apart … )
Since “Trey” starts-out in the distant past, he has plenty of centuries in which to have adventures, & thus lots of chances to “spawn” a copy-or-2 of his own. This would justify the appearance of “Quaid” (“Quad”) at an early-enough point in history to be The_Guide.
I’m puzzled to note that the Orion’s history refers to having some linguistic roots in Egypt, but the only (currently known) physical traces of the Denisovans were found FAR further East, nearer to the Pacific Ocean…
…Which sounds like the Dilmun’s Hominid “samplings” were collected from multiple, far-flung locations. Perhaps there were no individual populations during that time period which would be large-enough to provide a reliably-stable amount of “breeding-stock”?
The Guide might’ve been Quaid, and it sounds like that’s meant to be 4, but it’s only one letter away from “Quid”, too. (Kinda wonder if he’s supposed to be 4.5. Especially seeing some of the old comments on WayBack, but there’s no telling how serious some of it is supposed to be. Maybe not even he is sure on the numbering anymore. That might also explain why things got skipped straight to 6 instead of 5? Or he just liked the name more….or we just haven’t heard about what 5 got up to.)
Trey clearly knew Mami Wata, so I was assuming he was from Deuce, but I suppose he could’ve just made friends after she and Deuce got back out, but Ace still knew of Deuce for sure to know that Trey would be next. Depends on if Ace would even live long enough for that, I guess.
…wait. Hold up. Regina was reporting to Lady Shi… from 2014-04-10: “…marked by an anti-Vladish Strigoi that leads a growing coalition of ‘good’ vampires and un-enthralled humans”. If “Strigoi” is “werewolf”….Is Hex supposed to be the one in charge of that?? O_O He’s gotta be part of it, at least… (Nothing like having at least three time-travelling versions of yourself keeping an eye on you….)
(PS: Replied on Blue Moon.)
I was going to say no to Strigoi being being werewolves but it turns out that, while they are vampires, they are attributed with the ability to turn into animals. I had assumed that the “anti-vladish strigoi” was Samantha Hooper. This is from way back in the beginning when there was a crossover with the (now deceased) comic Scandal Sheet
[Google Translate] claims that “Strigoi” is English, but “Wiki” says it’s Romanian:
Samantha may yet be able to shapeshift.
We DID see her vanish, after all.
Maybe we just didn’t catch her in a situation that required it … ?
Samantha demonstrates her vanishing-trick on [2006/04/08]
The difference between translate and wiki is one is concerned with USAGE, the other with ORIGINS. The word cyber is a good example, translate would say its English for a device attached to/ controled by a body, a dictionary would say its FROM the Russian word for oarsman.
If you read Scandal Sheet, you’ll learn a lot more about Sammanth Hooper and her origins, bur more important you’ll learn she does not like tequila and she can turn into a bat. Those two pieces are connected. Still, I doubt she would shapechange to fight vamps that slow on the uptake.
My mistake — Trey was created approximately 150-years after Deuce, not 200:
[2018-04-01]_”Past Imperfect”
Well, that answers that…
Look at Peach’s expression in this panel. I think the name Hex means something to her…
Yeah, was going to comment on that if someone else hadn’t before reaching the end of the comments
Not sure if it is a ‘good’ something, or a ‘bad’ something, but it is certain a something
What was the name (number) of the Pathfinder who freed the Orions?
He was Quaid…
‘Randy’ to those he really liked 😉
Get your ass to Mars!
“And how long is this corridor? It feels like we’ve been walking for a year and a half.”
considering what author has been thru, i am just glad the comic is updating.
and if you upset on how long it is taking to go down this hallway, imagine how long it has been for rocky being pregnant, or carl lee’s mom being in hospital over night, and all their kittens must be in their version of old age by now
also, if you think this comic is taking so long, if you ever read a webcomic called mansion of e, author took about 15 years to show a few hours of one day, with updates almost everyday during that time
Why does next in chapter button lead to the first comic?
Sorry, but I can’t reproduce the problem you describe.
On this page, all the rightward-facing buttons are greyed-out & un-click-able, as per usual.
Maybe it’s been fixed, in-between when you posted & now … ?
It was a problem after the current page appeared. It seems to have vanished now, as you say
Text bubble seems to have disappeared. It was there yesterday…
You’re seeing this too?
Andy, what happened?
Oh good. I thought it was my computer.
Same problem here. Transcript is still there, though.
That’s not the only difference.
Gina’s belt has suddenly realized that it’s NOT actually a bra, & has relocated itself downward, around her hips.
I dunno what branch of the service Gina’s in, but I gotta say her uniform fits better than anyone in any branch has a right to expect. ‘If the boot fits, it’s probably not the one the army issued for ya’ seems to be the norm. There’s even a few eager beavers who get their uniforms tailored after they’re issued. Kind of like, ‘I know the army issued it, but dammit I’m going to make it fit anyway.’
And whoever Gina’s working for just issues a service leotard. With armor around the shoulders and neck, so…. maybe the outfit’s for some kind of gunnery job, where she’s going to have her head sticking up out of a vehicle that protects the rest of her?
My current theory is, her branch of the military may still be still small-enough to manage outfits that are not (yet) mass-produced.
Another thought is that there may be some as-yet-unmentioned benefit to a form-fitting suit for a lengthy space flight, which would then justify both Terran & Orion suit-designs. The Orions we’ve seen (so far) on the Habitat-stations have usually been wearing clothing that’s much less ‘snug’.
The closer a suit is to skin-tight, the less air is trapped in the limbs when in vacuum. Less air means that when you move your limbs in vacuum, you’re not working as hard to compress that air every time you move to a shape that has less volume left in the suit (expanding muscles, the outside of the suit pushing in on itself, etc.) It should use less material than a suit with constant-volume joints.
Well, now that you mention that, it’s obvious. Close-fitting, non-bulky clothes are a necessity in any circumstance where you might need to quickly get into a spacesuit or maneuver tight spaces in zero-gravity.
Soooo, do we suppose Gina’s in the Space Force? And they’re taking a bit of a cue from the Orions’ traditional service uniforms for starships? But slightly modified for people who’d be a bit freaked out at going all the way down to skintight everything like Peach and X.
Gina is not enlisted in the military but is acting as an independent contractor assigned to a military unit. We learned this when Gina was explaining the job and benefits that Luna and Kim would be doing. I suspect the torus (not Stargate to avoid copyright violations) unit employs more than a few IC personnel like the Orion Princess whose name I’m blanking on at the moment. While ICs assigned to a unit usually wear the same camo uniforms, they do have the option of custome tailoring and a better fit.
Longest… incomplete… sentence… EVER!