Orbiting The Question
on 2019-01-04
at 22:46
↓ Transcript
Ace, there’s been no sign of any Saurian activity in years.
Really? Remember about those NSA agents that dropped by? Tarent and Petros?
What about them? Ron says they’re harmless.
Tarentola are species of geckos and Petrolacosaurus is an early lizard, the earliest known diapsid as a matter of fact.
Now you tell me?! How long have you known this?
About lizards? From some old nature programs. But I’m not Luna. I need time to make some connections.
Ace, there’s been no sign of any Saurian activity in years.
Really? Remember about those NSA agents that dropped by? Tarent and Petros?
What about them? Ron says they’re harmless.
Tarentola are species of geckos and Petrolacosaurus is an early lizard, the earliest known diapsid as a matter of fact.
Now you tell me?! How long have you known this?
About lizards? From some old nature programs. But I’m not Luna. I need time to make some connections.
Called it!
Knew something was up with those two. Ace has an excuse for not catching on sooner: When he met with them he was under the effects of a memory block and he’s had a lot to process since its removal.
Is it just me, or is Peach and X looking kinda ‘not impressed’ with The Great Dino-slayer? 😛
My guess would be, they’re torn between …
“She is a high-ranking & EXTREMELY respect-worthy member of Ace’s family.”
“This same person is the ‘wild-card’ who uses BLACK-HOLES as a weapon of MASS-GENOCIDE!”
… failing that, perhaps they’re thinking:
“SAURIANS?!? AW-$#i+ — I was hoping we were DONE with that mess!!!”
Re_”Ron says they’re harmless”:
If Ace proves to be right, then do we chastise Ron for “dropping the ball”, or do we worry that Ron may be a ‘mole’, working WITH the Saurians … ?
Nope, neither, just realise that Ron is just human, and if the Saurians have skulking around this long, then they have simply been better at hiding their presence from everyone not named ‘Just Ace’
Almost forgot: you can’t search for someone you believe to be extinct (extinction caused by your girlfriend)
You most certainly don’t want to be the one to say “Honey? You didn’t get all of them! And they have infiltrated our government agencies and have access to lots of our top secret information, including the location of your son and his half-sister!”
1)__Well, you COULD search, but most humans are emotionally wired in such a way as to discourage an activity if it APPEARS to be a waste of time.
2)__What may be worse than breaking such bad news to you fiancé, would be getting caught in the situation of knowing this, & WITHOUT having rushed pell-mell to be the first to warn her.
Knowing Gina as we do, would YOU want to risk it?
I’d say that telling her is the LEAST of the available evils.
3)__Now, if Ron MIGHT be a ‘mole’, then I’d suggest giving him the
[… just realize that Ron is just human …]-type of response, to keep him at-ease,
(I’m thinking an “Ace”-level of thoroughness, here)
Among the variables that we need to know more about:
3A)__Just how clueless IS Ron, actually?
If he’s innocent, then he can be teased good-naturedly about this oversight.
If NOT, then is he …
( … or some combination thereof … )
3B)__As [rypperdoc] below has asked: WHO has been shielding these 2, & WHY?
(Specific NAMES need to be attached to these actions!)
{One Final Bit Of Nit-Pickery}:
The proper word usage here is “Genocide”, not “Extinction”.
Gina herself never claimed to have killed the entire species.
What she did was to destroy everything the Saurians needed to REPRODUCE.
The word “Extinction” won’t apply until the last Saurian individual has lived-out its lifespan.
We currently have no data on how many Saurians are left, or how long their average lifespan may be.
Personally don’t believe Ron is anyone, or anything, more than he appears
Butt, as you said, only The Great Author truly knows
I too would prefer that Ron be innocent, but I can’t ignore the possibility that [AndyOh] could very well decide that a more riveting plot-line might have Ron doing ‘shadier’ dealings.
I just gotta sit-tight & see what develops.
The alternative is to speculate recursively until I vanish forever down the “rabbit-hole” that is [TV_Tropes].
It’s been pointed out that somebody has covered for the pair in the past, https://www.tmi-comic.com/comic/2015-09-28/
The real danger is that someone of high authority is on their payroll, if only to help screen them trouble.
This was when Ron stated that those two agents were harmless. But it ends with Ace explaining to Ron that they are unusual in that there are no traceable records of any kind.
Ron may have launched a quiet investigation based on Ace’s concerns. Ron may know much that nobody else knows as of the date of this comic, and may be trying to contact/warn Ace and Gina… who are incommunicado!
If the Saurians are active on Earth could they be responsible for Ace ending up in North Korea? Or Ace having nanites in his body?
[al mar]:
At-present, only the Esteemed Author knows for sure.
2013/04/26=[www.tmi-comic.com/comic/sorry/] _ (“NK”-Incident mentioned here, & on the 2 pages following)
… which may very well have started here:
My favorite theory for Ace’s blood-nanites is:
2006/04/07=[www.tmi-comic.com/comic/2006-04-07/] _ (“nanites”?)
… in an arc that started here:
… & started sounding even MORE likely after THIS page’s revelations:
{DMC_Run] And the first mention of Ace’s rapid healing was the morning after the Samantha Hooper interview. 2006/04/20 = [https://www.tmi-comic.com/comic/2006-04-20/]
The Samantha Hooper interview happened years after the Serling Incident, where Ace was exposed to Lady Banshee.
True, but given LB’s stated attitude towards nanites, & the dangers of a “Grey Goo Incident”, it’s unlikely (but not impossible) for her to have accidentally introduced them into Ace’s bloodstream. And since Ace refused to submit to her will, it’s unlikely she would’ve given him nanites deliberately.
“Lady Banshee”-vs-“Samantha Hooper”: at our current level of available data, the bottom-line is, valid arguments can be made for either scenario.
Ultimately, we just need to patiently wait for the Author to get to that portion of the story, to remove all doubt.
More worrisome to me is, there’s currently a sabotage-attempt to destroy Ace, his friends, the Orions, & the entire ship. We’ve no idea how imminent the destruction may be, or most of the details of how it’s to be done, much less how to stop it.
[John C Danielson]:
Well-Spotted, Good Sir!
Except his doctor mentions later that he is healing with his usual rapid speed and she then references all the practice he got as a child. His gift for falling into places that no one else seems able to access is also mentioned and is demonstrated prior to his encounter with Samantha. It is certainly possible that the nanos date from the NK incident, but I wonder if we still have other oddities in his history. There is still the question of his grandmother’s death and what plans did the air spirit have for him that got derailed?
Wrt Saurians being the two inept government stooges, if I were making people (especially children) disappear as a food source, I would want some moles high up in government to stifle and investigation that might get close to the truth. If they are capable of disguising themselves as humans, they could easily enough gain offices In the governments of the nations in which they operate and then provide cover for lower downs in investigative agencies.
These great big smiles the humans are wearing don’t really match the dialogue, do they?