Pixie Pops Up
Pixie’s not one to see a locked door as meaning she’s unwelcome, much less an obstacle.
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Ace (thinks): OK, I just need to get home, go to bed, and I can call this day over.
Pixie (pops up from nowhere): Hey, Ace!
Ace: GAAAK! - Pixie? What are you doing in my van? No. How did you get into my van?
Pixie: I was hoping you would take me home and get Rocky to talk to me.
Ace: And you got into my van, how?
Pixie: *tchee* Ace, you need to start locking your van better. Can you stop at a drive-thru and buy me some food? I haven't eaten since last night.
Pixie (pops up from nowhere): Hey, Ace!
Ace: GAAAK! - Pixie? What are you doing in my van? No. How did you get into my van?
Pixie: I was hoping you would take me home and get Rocky to talk to me.
Ace: And you got into my van, how?
Pixie: *tchee* Ace, you need to start locking your van better. Can you stop at a drive-thru and buy me some food? I haven't eaten since last night.
Not “start locking your van”, but “start locking your van better“.
…How, exactly?
Criminal minds always like to divert blame for their crime onto their victims.
Pixie will eventually get her redemption, turn over a new leaf, become a better human being, etc. The current her, however, I don’t care for at all. Ace is much kinder to her than I would be.