Talking Space
on 2018-09-20
at 22:18
If you haven’t heard of The Bechdel-Wallace test its a quick way to look at how women are portrayed in fiction. To pass a work has to have two or more women that speak to each other about something other than a man.
I like to add the condition that they aren’t villainess and damsel- in-distress. (True Lies, I’m looking at you.)
Believe it or not, the origin of the Bechdel-Wallace test, an early webcomic called Dykes To Watch Out For, is one of the influences behind TMI. Unfortunately, it ended in 2008 and I lost track of it at some time, so I’m going to have to do an archive dive someday soon.
↓ Transcript
Ace sneezes
Ah! Ace-dono, Japanese myth says you are surely being spoken of.
Of course he is. Ace’s life is one long failure of the Bechdel test.
Ah! Ace-dono, Japanese myth says you are surely being spoken of.
Of course he is. Ace’s life is one long failure of the Bechdel test.
I am so freaking slow. I looked up Fun Home since I first heard it from On Broadway and I never connected her with the Bechdel test.
Thank you! I saw that incredible play too, but didn’t make the connection.
Surprised that no one offered a “Bless You” … be it American, Japanese, or Orion.
Bless You, Odaiji-ni, (OOPS! I don’t speak Orion.)
Gesundheit, Ace.
Or as some of us say here in TX: Salud! (health)
I just want to say that I’ve always found it amusing, that Ace’s nipples are so prominent when he’s wearing a shipsuit. I understand it’s probably a technical thing due to how the rendering is done… but I prefer to think of it as an in-universe reality.
So… Does the Orion girl have nipples like coasters? Or is it a shadowing effect?
Believe they are coaster sized (aureoles, not nipples)
Sorry to get your hopes up, but they’re shadow effects.
Head canon says “No” 😛
since one is saucer sized, and the other the size of a dessert plate, I’d say rendering artifact.
Seen similar things in real life. Don’t discount the ability of biology to do strange things.
I can’t help but think that a sneeze is not a good thing in the view of the Orions. People who live in closed and recycled environments are probably paranoid about aerosol vector diseases. Also, have we *ever* seen Ace sick? Well, other than an incipient ulcer? Injured, yes. Sick, generally not.
I’m not sure if Ashe’s expression supports my concern or not.
I’m worried that this might be Ace’s “nanites” acting-up.
i was tempted to say same thing, one sneeze and him and everyone he been in contact with and the ships computer quarantines them and sections they in until they cleared by medical officers
[just me]:
“OTOH”, perhaps this is a FAKE sneeze, which would make this Ace’s next step in his devious plan to get off the ship with his friends.
I just hope his plans are delayed JUST long-enough so that he’ll be available to sabotage “somebody’s” plot to destroy the ship-&-crew…
… I’m sure you can do it, Ace …
… no pressure …
Given that the biofilters remove bacteria and such on transport, I don’t think he could have anything in his system that wasn’t contracted on the ship.
Andy, I did not think it was possible at this point but I just found a new reason to adore you. I not only read Dykes to Watch Out For online but I bought all the dead tree versions as well. If you haven’t gotten your hands on fopies 9f the books you really do want to read them. They include some story that was not published (at least back in the 80s) online.