An old house, a geek, a cute transvestite, a very tall lesbian, and at least one ghost–what could happen? – Adult situations and artistic nudity. Not suitable for children.
It’s not really a question of memorization. It’s the ability to do long division in your head (π = 22/7) quickly enough that you’re speaking the next digit as you find it.
Which is fairly impressive by itself, to be sure. Just not superhuman impressive.
If it’s NOT mathematically derived, it could only be measured, and for an effectively infinitely extending value, that should be impossible. I think you just did not answer my question.
It’s not really a question of memorization. It’s the ability to do long division in your head (π = 22/7) quickly enough that you’re speaking the next digit as you find it.
Which is fairly impressive by itself, to be sure. Just not superhuman impressive.
22/7 is only an approximation of pi. The actual digits start differing pretty quickly.
Reciting 22/7, not really very impressive.
Reciting one hundred digits of π, that’s pretty good.
Using 99 digits of π, now that’s different.
(blink blink) well now I’m learning something completely different than they taught me in high school, aren’t I?
How is Pi derived if not by 22/7 then?
Pi is a constant of the universe, and irrational. That says something about the universe.
If it’s NOT mathematically derived, it could only be measured, and for an effectively infinitely extending value, that should be impossible. I think you just did not answer my question.
??? = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460
What is the left side of the equation that results in the right side?
internet is your friend! there you have it all explained