on 2018-12-21
at 00:01
I’d bet even G-man gets spam. (You should be able to comment again. The anti-spam plugin I was using got too aggressive.)
I’d bet even G-man gets spam. (You should be able to comment again. The anti-spam plugin I was using got too aggressive.)
Ye Xian? The Chinese Cinderella?
Yes. I wondered if anyone would catch that. Tho she’d point out that the story of Ye Xian is older.
Very much older, Ye Xian’s story dates back to B.C. by some accounts.
Reading that last bubble i actually laughed, and let’s be honest our first communication with an alien species will most likely be spam or if not the first then within a few seconds of contact.
Would that make the Voyager with it’s recorded message a can of spam?
Considering it has nudes and directions home, I think so. 😉
Porn. Some people have pointed out that we threw an unsolicited dick pic out into the universe. I’ll admit I now wonder as to what sort of reception it will get if found.
Ooo, new hairstyle 😀
Heh, no worries about the anti-spam, it was just doing its job
A few weeks without me, every now and then, is good for everyone 😀
Or even years, let’s not be so limited in our thinking.